When you transfer your website to a new web hosting services provider they ask you for ‘Authorization Code’. It’s a Unique 6 to 32 character lone code which is specially created to prevent any unsecured or unauthorized transfers of website.
This ‘Authorization Code’ provides a security feature as it works as an unique Pin for your website (domain name) and it certifies that person who is demanding the transfer of domain is the real owner of that particular website. This code can be found in the control panel of that website. With the help of the ‘Authorization Code’ you can also lock your website and prevent any attempt of transformation without your authority. When you want to transfer it they you can unlock it.
Asset Management Software
3 Client Area
6 Cpanel
0 Databases
0 DDos Protection
1 directory
7 DNS Records
3 DNS Servers
24 Domains
3 Domains
16 Email Setup
14 Emails
2 FTP programs
0 Making payment
0 Plugins
19 Resources
1 Safari
6 Security
10 SSL Certificates
3 Transfers
10 Troubleshooting
0 Uploading Files
1 Vulnerability on Intel, AMD and AMR Servers
2 Web Hosting
4 Wordpress
- EPP Code, Domain Auth, Auth Code
- 110 Users Found This Useful
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