When you access a website through a secure HTTPS connection you might encounter a warning that the SSL certificate is not issued by a trusted authority.
The exact warning message you will see depending on your browser is:
Firefox - "Your connection is not secure"
Google Chrome - "Your connection is not private"
Microsoft Edge - "There is a problem with your website's security certificate"
Safari - "Safari can't verify the identity of the website"
There are few common reasons for this to occur:
- The SSL certificate on that website expired and currently the domain doesn't have a valid certificate.
- The website is using a self-signed SSL certificate.
- The website is using a valid private SSL certificate but it is missing its CA (Certificate Authority) certificate.
The solution for the first and second cases is to purchase an SSL certificate which is issued for your specific domain by a trusted SSL authority.
The last case can be resolved if your existing SSL certificate is reinstalled with the correct CA bundle. The CA bundle is provided by the SSL vendor and should be included in the private SSL package.